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My Disney Mistakes - Part 1: What NOT to do While at Walt Disney World

by Rebecca Pearson, PassPorter Guest Contributor
Last modified 12-19-2013

I've made some mistakes at Walt Disney World.

While I'm embarrassed to admit to some of these, and some of you may even think I'm a jerk after reading one or two of them, hopefully you'll be at least somewhat amused by my many Disney Fails, but even more importantly, learn from them and hopefully not make the same ones again!

1. I killed PUSH. We were lucky enough on our second trip to run into PUSH, the talking, moving trashcan in Tomorrowland. If you haven’t seen PUSH before (I'm not even sure if he's around anymore, and yes that may be partly my fault if he's not), he would move about Tomorrowland, somehow remotely controlled by a cast member, and could talk. The kids loved him. We happened upon him with a group of other kids, and I had a half empty pop (soda). Somewhere in my memory, I was sure I read that he was a working trashcan, so despite PUSH's attempts to turn and avoid me, and my mother telling me she didn't think I should throw my pop in it, I did anyway. I really thought that I could, I wasn't trying to be a jerk! Rather than just walking away, and finding another garbage can, I killed PUSH. He had to drive away and probably get cleaned out. All of the kids around were disappointed, and I was the jerk that did it. I'm still embarrassed by that one. If PUSH is still around, don't throw your trash in him, and don't believe everything you read online. Listen to cast members, your family, and pay attention to the social cues, even if it is a trash can that's trying to give them to you.

2. We left Hoop De Doo Review early. Also on our second trip, I had managed to book this show, and paid for a great table, just one table away from the stage, right in the center. My son, who was 5 at the time, loved this show. I on the other hand, was exhausted from our early flight and freezing cold from the air conditioning, after having been drenched in a downpour on the way to the show. I also somehow didn't put it together that you pay for the whole show, you don't have to get up and leave after you're done eating. I saw some people waiting at the entrance, and I believe they were waiting to see if any tables would be available. So, despite the waiter saying that we could stay, and my son asking to stay, my exhaustion and confusion got the best of me and we left before it ended. I'm not really even sure how far into the show we ended up watching, and we haven't had the chance to go back. Again, listen to cast members, and know that sometimes you just have to take one for the team. My son would have loved to stay, I still feel bad that we didn't.

3. I wouldn't allow my kids to pull the rope at the entrance to the Indiana Jones show at Hollywood Studios. The sign says "Do not pull rope," but as many of you know, the "NOT" is crossed out with a big red X. Yet even then, due to whatever fog I was in, I did not "get it." Even after a cast member told the kids to go ahead and pull it, I told them not to because I was afraid they were going to get wet or something. Looking back, that cast member probably thought I was nuts. We've since pulled the rope. It's no big deal, you don't get wet, and it's fun. Again, listen to the cast members, they're not going to lead you astray, they want you to have fun.

4. I didn't pre-wash my clothes. Trust me on this one. I've never actually had an issue with large pieces of clothing at Disney; it was the undergarments that pulled a fast one on me. I had purchased multiple pairs of new underwear at a popular store located in malls across the U.S. I'm typically not one to prewash anything. I just don't, and hadn't had any issues, ever. So I packed the new underwear and took it on a summer trip with us. On the second day of the trip, I happened to put on a pink and white pair under a pair of light colored khaki capris. No, it's not what you think, they weren't visible through the capris -- it's much worse. Picture a hot, sweaty July and a ride on Splash Mountain. Shortly after the ride, and thoroughly soaked, I used the restroom and I learned that the hot pink dye from my underwear had bled after it got wet; all over my legs, and worse yet, through the capris … now you get the picture. Most. Embarrassing. Thing. Ever. It wasn't that visible from the front, but it sure was from the back, and it looked like I had other issues happening. At least I couldn't see the smirks of the people whom I'm sure saw it. Unwilling to just boldly commit to this and continue my day in the park, we had to take the train from Frontierland to the front of the park, walk to the buses, and take the bus back to Pop Century Resort, so that I could change my clothes. This took considerable time from our day, and not to mention, ruined my favorite capris. So prewash your new clothes and undergarments. Just in case. Also, had it occurred to me at the time, rather than taking the bus back to the resort, I later saw capris, shorts and even underwear in a gift shop in the Magic Kingdom. In my rush to leave to avoid further embarrassment, I didn't even consider it, but I probably should have purchased new things and thrown away the old, rather than showcasing my pinkish rear-end to all of the park and resort on the way to change.

5. I didn't wear sunscreen. This seems like a given, I know. Living in Michigan, I really do try to use sunscreen while in Florida, at least for a few days, even though I'm not usually prone to burning. On our trip last summer I decided to try to get a tan while at the pool. I lost track of time, and before I knew it, I had a sunburn. Normally that wouldn't have been that big of a deal, but our next day was scheduled at Discovery Cove, where you need to wear the animal-safe sunscreen that is provided, and spend a lot of time in the water. Needless to say, it doesn't work very well or last very long with all of the time you spend swimming. Two days later, even using aloe and trying to treat my sunburn, my forehead actually scabbed over. At one point the skin on my forehead was three different colors; a variation of white, pink, and scab brown. Don't skip sunscreen, not even for one day or a part of a day. You never know what the next day will bring.

While it's embarrassing for me to admit these, hopefully you've learned from them or have at least been entertained. Next time I'll share more mistakes I've made, but those will focus on mistakes I've made while planning our trips or days, traveling to Disney, and touring the parks.

About the Author: Rebecca Pearson is the proud mother of two children and is known for her "epic fails" in her every day life that inspired her to write this article. She has been to Walt Disney World seven times in the past seven years!

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Updated 12-19-2013

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