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Top 10 Things I Love About Disney's Hollywood Studios: A Walt Disney World Park Review

by Cheryl Pendry, PassPorter Featured Columnist
Last modified 01-29-2015

Top 10 lists are everywhere when it comes to Disney, but I've never actually thought about what the top 10 things are that I love at each of the parks at Walt Disney World.

Well, now's as good a time as any to get started on rectifying that, so here goes!

Most people would perhaps start with the Magic Kingdom, and go through each park in the order they opened, while others would perhaps start with the newest first, and work backwards. I like to be different, so I'm starting with Disney's Hollywood Studios. Why? Because, if I'm being honest, it's my least favourite park. Sorry to anyone who loves it, but it just doesn't do as much for me as the other three parks. Therefore, I figured I'd get this one out of the way first, before moving on to the other ones -- and of course, given that the Studios aren't my favourite, I had to be sure I could find a full top 10 of things I love there. Fortunately I did!

I think I need to state here that neither myself nor my husband are thrill riders, so no doubt there will be a lot of things missing from my list that may well be on yours.

10) The pavement in front of Graumann's Chinese Theater It's often the little details that make a Disney park, and this is one of them. I just love wandering around, exploring them, and seeing what's there and this is always to fun to check out. The Great Movie Ride didn't make it on to my list, although it was close, and that's only because, to me, it feels a bit dated. I know it's getting a rehab, so maybe after that, it will be on my list.

9) Voyage of the Little Mermaid To me, this is one of those wonderful Disney attractions that always pleasantly surprises you every time you do it. I always come out of seeing this, thinking to myself that it’s much better than I remember, then sadly my memory goes and plays games with me, and I forget just how good it was… until the next time. There are just so many wonderful elements to this show, especially considering that it’s a continuous show. You just don’t expect performers to put in such high quality performances throughout a day.

8) Hollywood Brown Derby Let’s be honest, the dining options in Disney’s Hollywood Studios aren’t the greatest. However, I do love the Brown Derby. To me, it’s a refined atmosphere, and every time we eat in there, it makes me feel like a Hollywood celebrity. I’ve always really enjoyed my meals here and I just wish I could say the same thing for my husband, as if I could, then we’d be dining here more often.

7) Villains in Vogue As my husband is a villains fan, he loves this place. I have to say I also love wandering through it, seeing more unusual items for sale, and enjoying the theming, and it’s always a “must-do” whenever we come to the Studios.

6) Beauty and the Beast show A bit like Voyage of the Little Mermaid, this is a show that you can easily forget just how good it is. Sadly, it’s something we do miss, as we don’t always spend a lot of time at the Studios, but every time I see this how, I’m always wowed by the performances in it. To me, it’s like a mini-West End (Ok, Broadway to you guys…) show, and I always leave there wanting more, which is surely the sign of a great attraction.

5) Visual gags around MuppetVision 3D While MuppetVision 3D feels like it’s sadly needing an overhaul (c’mon Disney, please?!), something that always entertains me are the wonderful visual gags in this part of the park. It seems to me that every time we wander around, we spot something new, but of course we know that they’ve been there all along. They always brings a smile to my face, now just give me a new Muppet 3D film, and I’ll be truly happy.

4) Animation Academy This is something else we don’t get to experience that often, more’s the pity, mainly because it’s so popular, and as a result quite tough to get into. I’m creative in many ways, but I can’t draw anything, certainly not unless it’s with the considerable help you get in here. I never cease to be amazed by how good your creations can be, provided you follow all the instructions of course! I often come away from this, feeling like I’m a real animation artist, which is really saying something, given the quality of my drawing usually…

3) Toy Story Mania Well, it had to be in here somewhere, didn’t it? It’s amazing to think how many years this has now been open, yet it’s still a massive draw for visitors. Sure, it’s a huge amount of fun, but if I’m honest, I never really expected its popularity to last this long, but it’s encouraging that it has. It certainly shows Disney still knows how to make attractions that bring the crowds in.

2) One Man’s Dream This is by far my favourite attraction at the Studios, as it’s such an inspiring story that always brings a huge smile to my face, as you see aspects of Walt’s life. It’s also only right and fitting that there should be an attraction to pay tribute to Walt, as without him, we wouldn’t have a Disney World, or any other Disney park for that matter, to enjoy. I have to confess to always wiping away a tear or two after I finish watching the movie at this end of this, as I remember the wonderful man who created all of this. Before I get anymore dewy eyed, I’ll move on to my number one, which is…

1) Osborne Lights Even though they're only switched on for a few short weeks of the year during the Christmas period, I absolutely love the Osborne Lights. They always put me in a festive mood, and if we're staying at Walt Disney World over Christmas itself, it's a tradition for us to visit them on Christmas Eve, as they’re the perfect preparation for Christmas Day. I just love the story behind them of how they came to be, how Disney stepped in to save them for future generations, and how they've enhanced and improved them over the years, making them dance before our eyes. To me, a Christmas visit just isn't complete without an evening at the Osborne Lights.

In the next part of this series of articles, I'll be looking at my top ten in Animal Kingdom.

About the Author: Cheryl is the author of the e-book, PassPorter's Walt Disney World for British Holidaymakers, and is the co-author of PassPorter's Disney Vacation Club Guide: For Members and Members-To-Be. Cheryl and husband Mark live in England and love to travel, particularly to Disney, and they have travelled around the world, taking in a number of Disney cruises, Walt Disney World, Disneyland, Aulani in Hawai'i, Disneyland Paris, Tokyo Disney and Hong Kong Disneyland on the way. Click here to view more of Cheryl's articles!

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Updated 01-29-2015

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