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Dinner at Le Cellier: A Walt Disney World Dining Review

by Randal Fullhart, PassPorter Guest Contributor
Last modified 07-14-2017

During our last visit to Walt Disney World, my wife and I had two celebrations…an anniversary and a birthday. To mark those two events, we added to sit-down meals to our itinerary, the California Grill and Le Cellier steak house, located in Epcot’s Canada pavilion area.

We had eaten at Le Cellier once before, about eight years ago…so it was about time for a return visit to see how things were going. While we are both steak fans, I have to admit that memories of the Cheddar Cheese Soup were high on the list of reasons for looking forward to the meal.

Before the review, a bit of back story. When Epcot was being constructed, Disney was keen to partner with governments of the different countries to help bear the cost of design and construction. For a variety of reasons, this didn’t work out with Canada but Disney still proceeded with the project. It’s worth noting that the two countries that are next to the US borders are the first ones you reach, depending on which way you turn, around World Showcase: Canada and Mexico.

In its earliest incarnation, the restaurant was cafeteria style but later converted to a sit-down restaurant with the motif being one of a wine cellar underneath the “Hotel du Canada” …the main building featured in the area and that is a facsimile of the Chateau Laurier hotel in Ottawa. According to note, Le Cellier opened July 20th, 1997.

The first thing you should know about dining at Le Cellier is to make a reservation…the earlier the better…like, 180-days-before-you-get-there early. This is good advice for all the sit-down restaurants and one we try to practice for all our visits. It’s especially important for Le Cellier because it has a relatively small number of seats.

As you approach the entrance, you’ll pass by a beautifully landscaped garden which can substitute for the Flower and Garden Festival if you missed it…so be sure to take some nice pictures while you are there.

Upon entering, you’ll first encounter the reception desk where you will be checked in and can let them know if you or your party have any special needs. If you have to wait to be seated, your choices are an assortment of chairs along the wall inside in a narrow hallway or to go back outside and wait to be called. It’s probably worth pointing that Le Cellier is, well…a cellar. That means there are no windows and no doors…no wait, that’s the Haunted Mansion. Le Cellier just doesn’t have any windows…so thus it is darker than most restaurants you may have eaten at. If you have little ones, who may be a bit claustrophobic or want to move about, you may want to consider waiting outside in the open air, where there’s more room.

As we were early, we waited a bit, but the hostess and staff kindly walked among those waiting and offered some meats and cheeses from a tray. There was also a cold-water dispenser and cups on a tray near the door for those who might be parched.

We were seated shortly thereafter and greeted by our waitress who explained the Canadian Province (area) we were seated in and offered us wine and food menus. A nice basket with a variety of breads soon arrived along with butter that contained sea salt and maple syrup sprinkles.

The dining room and furnishings were basically unchanged from our last visit. Heavy wooden tables and chairs, somewhat low ceilings with wooden beams, carpeted floors, and mock candles everywhere making for a mostly ‘golden glow’ to things. Tables are somewhat close together and the noise level was about average for a Disney restaurant.

The first big choice was whether to get one bowl of the Canadian Cheddar Cheese Soup and share it…or get one for each of us. We decided on the latter, but when they came, discovered we could have easily shared one bowl…they are pretty big, and soup is thick, and yes…really wonderful. The soup is made with “Moosehead Beer” and is sprinkled with “Nueske’s Applewood-Smoked Bacon”. Need we say more?

We both decided on steaks…with my wife opting for the Black Angus Rib-Eye and me, the Le Cellier Filet Mignon. Being a plain eater, I requested the mashed potatoes and a few of the crispy onions that were visible elsewhere on the menu (vice the Mushroom Risotto and Asparagus-Tomato Relish) …and the waitress was happy to oblige. The practice of letting guests alter the fixed menu is something that we find most restaurants at Walt Disney World are willing to consider…so don’t be afraid to ask!

When our food arrived, we also noted that we could have easily split a single entre as the steaks and portions were really quite generous. Something to keep in mind if you have been snacking all afternoon. It also didn’t help that we had filled up on the cheddar cheese soup! The steaks were cooked to our liking and were good cuts, tender, and flavorfully prepared. The sides were all nicely proportioned and fresh.

There were a number of great desserts, the Maple Crème Brûlée was tempting…but we deferred. You’ll learn why in a moment!

Throughout dinner our server was attentive and pleasant, the food good, and the prices on par with other restaurants of its kind on property, but check the prices online so you won’t be surprised. Alas, it appears the days of free, candled cakes for those celebrating events is a thing of the past…or at least much less prevalent. (We did have some glittery, Mickey sprinkles on our table at the California Grill…and a wonderful and friendly server…who made things special…but nothing at Le Cellier.)

So, should you go to Le Cellier? The answer is certainly yes…at least once…so you can have the Canadian Cheddar Cheese Soup! If you’re going for things like steaks, it isn’t more remarkable than most other places that serve steaks on property, but you won’t be disappointed.

Since you will be close, don’t miss out on the O’ Canada circle-vision movie with Martin Short, and then…bonus tip: There’s a place along the wall looking out over the World Showcase Lagoon that is across from the steps leading up to the Canadian Pavilion. It’s a great location to set up your tripod (or just stand) and take pictures of Illuminations, Reflections of Earth. While one person in your party is guarding your spot, the other can walk over and get a Funnel Cake near the American Pavilion and bring it back to share. That was dessert!

About the Author: Randy and his wife Kathy have been DVC members since 2008.  Randy’s first trip to Disneyland was back in 1962.  We generally are in WDW at least once a year but also have been trying out some of the various Disney resorts, such as Hilton Head…and in January, we’ll be at Vero Beach.  Our first, and only cruise was on the Disney Dream and we hope to get back on the water again soon.  Following over 30 years in the Air Force, we now continue our passion for growing leaders…working at Virginia Tech.

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Updated 07-14-2017

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