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Disney Style That is Uniquely Yours: Personalized Disneyland Souvenirs

by Dorothy Compton, PassPorter Guest Contributor
Last modified 03-08-2012

There are many ways to bring home a piece of personalized Disney magic on your visit to the Disneyland Resort in California.

The Silhouette Store and Crystal Arts are on Main Street, a second Crystal Arts is in New Orleans Square along with Caricatures, Portraits, and Parasols; Fantasyland has the Castle Heraldry Shoppe and Fairytale Scripts. All of these can personalize some of their unique offerings to make a Disney souvenir that is uniquely yours.

The Silhouette Store

I've always wanted a set of silhouettes of my family from Disneyland. When we decided to take our family to see the Christmas decorations at Disneyland, I resolved that this is the one thing I personally wanted to do for my present.

We were only in the parks for two days but since it was the beginning of the Christmas break and Christmas crowds, I knew it was going to be challenging getting my family of six in the door even for a moment that took away from the things they wanted to do. I decided to go during an afternoon parade since most people were wanting to watch the street.

The silhouette store is on Main Street tucked next to the Crystal Arts Store on the right side of the street as you face the castle. The store itself is pretty small, only about 50 square feet (8 x 10) and the back door opens to the store behind it. The artist that cut our silhouettes has been cutting them for over 32 years. Although she is self taught, she has trained five others in the art. The artist sits in profile to the big picture window facing Main Street so passers-by can observe the process.

While you sit in profile the artist quickly cuts the silhouette freehand using very sharp scissors. If you regularly wear glasses, you keep them on. For children, they would sit on an adult's lap. You can do multiple people in the same sheet or even include a Disney character. Pricing is per image at about $9 (left and right facing) per person. For multiples, the artist just cuts each silhouette in the order presented. Since she uses two black pieces of paper you receive both a left and right profile. Each of the profiles are glued to a printed poster board. You can frame them yourself or you can purchase an oval frame especially designed for the silhouette (it contains hidden Mickeys!). Miniature silhouettes are also available.

If you are getting these done early in the day and don't want to carry them all over the park, they will hold them for you or you can have them sent to either your Disney resort hotel or held at the front merchandise pick up location.

Silhouettes can be a fun way to announce a special event (trip to Disneyland, engagement, etc.) or have one done every year/visit to track the change in your family through the years. I would say a silhouette is a must for any Disney fan.

Crystal Arts

Wander into the Crystal Arts store (Main Street and New Orleans Square) and you will immediately be mesmerized by the glistening glass. This is not a place to take running children but it offers a way to bring useful glassware that can daily remind you of your visit to the happiest place on earth.

The store sports a wide variety of glassware that you can personalize. Shot glasses and mugs have sandblasted and carved Disney themes and characters. For those items available for personalization, the price includes etching of one name. More can be allowed for an additional fee providing enough space exists. Glass with custom etching starts under $10.00.

After you select your glassware, indicate your desired name, and pay for your purchase, it will be ready for pickup in about a half hour. The cast member who did my glass had been etching for over a year. He first marked the glass with two straight "guide lines." Then he carefully etched my name with a wet grinder. It took about a minute. They clean the glass and pack it well. I love my Mickey mug and my name means hands off for the rest of my family!

Caricatures, Portraits, and Parasols

In New Orleans Square, there are three carts bringing unique Disney personalized souvenirs: Caricature, Portraits, and Parasols. Pricing for each of these is clearly posted. As both the Caricature and Portrait item require you to be present, allow for some time to sit while the artist draws.

Caricatures are $17.95 for a profile per person and $32.00 for a front view per person. Scenic art is $32.00. Portraits are $17.95 for a profile per person and $35.95 for a front view per person. There are two parasol sizes. The mini parasol is $11.95 and includes 1 name with hearts or flower accents on 4 panels. The large parasol is $17.95 and also includes 1 name with hearts or flower accents. Optional artwork such as a rainbow or carasol horse may be added to a blank panel for $5.00.

Castle Heraldry Shoppe

Just after you enter the castle, on the right is the Castle Heraldry Shoppe. This store has some surprising items for sale including swords! Although not completely unique like some of the other items on the list, you can get a personalized coat of arms or a family name history. (as a fun note, there is a suit of armor inside that you can get behind to take a picture as if you were in the suit!)

Fairytale Scripts

The Fairytale Scripts booth is located next to Edelweiss Snacks. A Fairytale script is a customizes name plate. Prices are not posted but are based on characters and details.

Each personalized souvenir takes time so don't think you can pick one up at the last minute. Plan for getting your item ordered early in the day and let the excitement build before you behold your unique souvenir.

About the Author: Dorothy Compton lives in Northern California with her husband and four children. Having been born and raised in southern Caliornia, she visited Disneyland many times in her youth but became reacquainted in the last ten years and only recently became an annual passholder. She and her family are looking forward to visiting Disney's Aulani in Hawaii this summer.

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Updated 03-08-2012

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