DCL Announces 2018 Star Wars Day at Sea Cruises - PassPorter News Bulletin

DCL Announces 2018 Star Wars Day at Sea Cruises

PassPorter's Disney Cruise Line News Bulletin

  Published 01/13/2017 by PassPorter News / Filed in Disney Cruise Line

Photo illustrating Star Wars Day at Sea Image of Star Wars Day at Sea contributed by Jennifer Marx from the PassPorter Photo Archive
Disney Cruise Line has announced the the popular "Star Wars Day at Sea" will be returning to select sailings on the Disney Fantasy in 2018. Beginning with the January 6, 2018 sailing and ending with the April 14, 2018 sailing, guests will enjoy special Star Wars character meet and greets, entertainment, food and drink, a showings of the Star Wars movies.

  This news bulletin updates page 42 of PassPorter's Disney Cruise Line 2017 LIVE! Guide.

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