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iPhone, I Travel: Taking Your Trip to the Next Level with iPhone

by Jennifer Marx -- author, traveller, and iPhone lover

In the last three decades, three tools have changed my life: the Apple Macintosh computer in the late '80s, the Internet in the early '90s, and now the iPhone. Yeah, I know it sounds corny, but it's true. The iPhone is not just a fancy cell phone. The iPhone is a unique combination of the two tools that empower me -- a personal computer and the Internet -- wrapped up in a small, easy-to-use, intuitive device that I can carry with me practically everywhere I go. And carry it I did on my recent trip onboard the Disney Cruise Line and to Walt Disney World. I thought the iPhone was phenomenal before I left home, but now I'm totally blown away by how much it helped me while I was travelling.

I'm so in love with the way my iPhone empowers me that I want to tell the world about it. Last time I felt this way, I became an author to share my passions (and most of you know where that's lead me). This time I'll have to be content with a web page and some articles. Perhaps the information on this page will make you seriously consider an iPhone. Or maybe you already have one and are looking for help making the most of it on your trip. Then again, maybe you've just seen me carrying my iPhone around everywhere I go and want to know why I'm such a geek. Now you'll know! (And just in case you're worrying about me, I'm not alone in my love for the iPhone -- the iPhone is a runaway sensation and was even chosen as Time Magazine's "Invention of the Year.")

Over the next few days -- and beyond -- I'll be adding links to short articles I'm writing about the iPhone to this page. And to demonstrate how amazing the iPhone is, I'll be writing and submitting all of these articles on my iPhone itself, while I'm away from my computer and/or travelling. Please check back for more each day!

A full-length feature article about travelling with an iPhone will also appear in the December 20, 2007 issue of the PassPorter Newsletter.

#1: Why iPhone? -- posted on Friday, December 14 at 1:31 am

The iPhone debuted on June 29, 2007, but I didn't get mine for more than three months. When it was first announced in January 2007, I thought "Wow, that sounds cool, but it's just a toy -- I don't really need it." Then an Apple Store opened in Ann Arbor in August. We visited it and I picked up one of the many iPhones on display and poked around it. Suddenly, I could see that this was no mere pretty cell phone. It connected to the Internet like a fish to water. It was fast. It was easy to use. It was ... too expensive. I put it down and walked out. Then Apple dropped the price and I began to consider it again. My current cell phone had seen better days. I began to research the iPhone on the Internet. I discovered that many, many people were using the iPhone and loved it, while a minority of users reported problems with it. After determining that the reported problems weren't big issues for me and deliberating for several days, Dave bought me an iPhone for my birthday. The learning curve was easy and within a couple of weeks, I'd fallen in love.

There's more to come, so check back tomorrow. While you're waiting, check out all the cool photos I took with my iPhone while traveling.

Apple Store

A self-portrait of me and my iPhone, taken on my recent trip