'Magic Band' Wrist Band Pending FCC Approval - PassPorter News Bulletin

'Magic Band' Wrist Band Pending FCC Approval

PassPorter's Walt Disney World News Bulletin

  Published 10/09/2012 by PassPorter News / Filed in Walt Disney World

Photo illustrating Early morning at the Castle 4 Image of Early morning at the Castle 4 contributed by jarnolddancer from the PassPorter Photo Archive
From Mouseplanet.com: Disney has filed an application with the FCC for a "Magic Band" wrist band for potential use in their theme parks. The wristbands would contain a small transmitter and RFID tags that would allow them to interact in a variety of ways around the Disney parks. (Think of the 'Glow with the Show Ears' at Disneyland that also use RFID technology.) Potential uses include park admission, room key access, charging to room accounts, and FASTPASS access. All of these functions do or could utilize the RFID function to some degree. No word on when or if these will be approved and implemented.

  This news bulletin updates page 999 of PassPorter's Walt Disney World 2012 LIVE! Guide.

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