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PassPorter News Brought to you by PassPorter Guidebooks
August 7, 2008 * Issue 8.32

In This Newsletter 

From the Authors: Ch-ch-changes

Travel Feature: Vermont By Bicycle

Disney Feature: Decade of Dreams

Updates: What's New and Changed

Tips: Perfect Parade Planning,  Pack Some PJs, Toiletries Tip

Captain's Corner: Goofy Parking

PassPorter PhotoPick: Towel Bunny

Q and A: Which travel agent offers the best "perks?"

Our Sponsors: We Recommend...
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What's New and Changed

Here are a few items of relevant news:

Walt Disney World has released both room only and package lodging prices for 2009. In addition, a new Quick Service Dining Plan was introduced. The plan includes two Quick Service Meals, and two snacks per person, per night's stay. In addition, each person receives a refillable mug for use at their resort. The plan is $29.99 per adult and $8.99 per child (ages 3 - 7). Also, the courtesy hold on room-only and package reservations for 2009 is only 7 days. Previously it has been 14 days.

Park admission prices also increased this week. For a chart with the new prices, check out this chart at

Continuing the price increase trend, theme park parking has increased to $12/day,
and Cinderella's Royal Table has increased its prices. Breakfast is now $34.99/adult, $23.99/child, Lunch is $37.99/$24.99 and dinner is now $42.99/$26.99. 

Our thanks to and from which we get some of our news leads.

Hear some news? Be a "PassPorter Reporter" and send it to us!
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Disney Tips:
From Fellow Readers

Our readers deliver a wealth of information! Here are the winners in this month's tip contest:

"I am an avid planner and like to fit in as many attractions as possible at the parks, as well as shows and parades. I have watched many parades and have learned this useful tip: Find a spot near the parade starting point, and as soon as the last float has passed, you can carry on touring the park whilst most other people are still watching the parade! This has proved extremely successful for my family."
-- contributed by Jason C.

"When planning for Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party (or maybe any evening touring), pack some Disney PJs for the kids to change into at some point especially if it's warm out. They will be cooler, happier and you can just stick them in bed after the party!"
-- contributed by Kelli L.

"Save up the free samples from magazines or sign up for free samples via a free sample website throughout the year and by the time you come to go on holiday you should have enough toiletries to not need to pack any or to buy travel sizes.
This saves space in your luggage and also saves money on expensive toiletries."
-- contributed by Julia O.

Send us your tips! You may see them in this newsletter and win a copy of PassPorter!

Want more Disney tips? For Walt Disney World fans, we've collected 500 of the best tips submitted by readers over the past six years. All have been edited for accuracy and categorized. For details, visit the PassPorter Disney 500 info page or the PassPorter store. For Disney Cruise Line fans, we have an e-book with 250 cruiser tips, as well as a special cruise line comparison section and seven customized packing lists. For information, visit the Disney Cruise Clues info page.

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Captain's Corner:
Treasure Hunting Game

Play our fun and quirky treasure hunting game, hosted by Captain Jack Skatt from our book, "PassPorter's Treasure Hunts at Walt Disney World." The Captain makes a study of the delightful details -- sometimes hidden, sometimes in plain sight but often overlooked -- at Walt Disney World and aboard the Disney Cruise Line. Using notes from his journals, he will lead you to this "treasure" at Disney with clues, questions, photos, or riddles. Your challenge is to discover the answer by searching your memory, visiting Disney, or even just looking really hard on the Internet. If you think you've found the answer, e-mail it to -- the first person to correctly submit the FULL answer will receive a free PassPorter enamel pin. (Please note: Players can win once every 3 months.)

Here is this week's journal entry:

"After my ride on the Rock 'N' Roller Coaster at Disney's Hollywood Studios last week, I left the park and took the tram to my car. Well, at least I thought I was going to find my car, but the topsy-turvy ride on Rock 'N' Roller Coaster made me completely forget where I parked my vehicle! All I could remember is that the section I parked in had a picture of Goofy on the sign. Next time I'll take a photo of it with my handy dandy digital camera."

What parking lot section features Goofy on the marker sign at Disney's Hollywood Studios?

For bonus credit, locate the photographic evidence in the PassPorter Photo Archive and post a comment with the photo!

Send your full answer to -- the winner will be notified by e-mail and announced in a future newsletter, along with the correct answer!

Congratulations to Pat R. who was the winner of last week's trivia contest! Pat was the first person to identify the manhole covers outside Rock 'N' Roller Coaster as G Force Records. Bonus credit goes to keating who was the first person to identify the photo in our PassPorter Photo Archive. To view the original clue, see last week's newsletter.

If you enjoy treasure hunts, we've got an entire book with over 100 distinct treasure hunts and over 1500 questions, complete with clues and contributions from Captain Jack Skatt. Get more details on "PassPorter's Treasure Hunts at Walt Disney World" book at
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PassPorter PhotoPick
Each issue we choose a special photo from the PassPorter Photo Archive which highlights something beautiful, interesting, humorous, or timely at Disney or around the world. Here is this issue's PassPorter PhotoPick:

Towel Bunny by Mousekeeping

contributed by Tigger1221

(click the photo or link to see a larger photo with details)

You can nominate photos as a PassPorter PhotoPick by giving ratings in the PassPorter Photo Archive (you'll need to be logged in to do this). If you'd like to contribute your own photos to the Photo Archive and be considered as a PhotoPick, please read our Photo Upload Guidelines for details and benefits.
chezp 2516 photos
akleos 568 photos
Dopey007 623 photos
Meggera 347 photos
OffKilter_Lynn 261 photos
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Q and A: With Jennifer and Dave

abigalreilly asks:
"Our last cruise was booked through DVC Member Services so this wasn't an issue, but I remember reading posts about bonuses and gifts from travel agents, from shipboard credits to gift baskets waiting in your stateroom. I'd love feedback about the various travel agents and "extra" information, what can we expect? I'm trying to decide which travel agent to use, and if all else is equal, the "extras" could make my decision a lot easier!"

Jennifer and Dave answer: "There are certainly agencies that offer extra incentives for booking - sometimes for booking particular dates/itineraries, sometimes for all bookings... Some agencies don't promise anything, but may have a surprise gift basket waiting in the room as a way of underpromising/over-delivering. Gifts and incentives are paid for out of the agent's commission, and every agency gets the same commission from the cruise line. So, in the end, there's a real limit on how much any agency can give back in the way of goodies and still pay their own bills. As a result, you may find that there's very little dollar value separating the incentives offered by various agencies.

Some very excellent agencies offer incentives/send gifts, and I'm sure some mediocre agencies do it, too - it's a competitive business, and this is a way of keeping customers happy. Ultimately, though, it's all about the service.

In general, I don't recommend shopping based on incentives alone, because those are just the icing on the cake (or ought to be). An agency relationship is just that, a relationship. A good agent will make your life easier and your vacation better. Knowing what you want, they can watch for special prices on your behalf. Unlike a reservations agent at a cruise line, hotel, etc., an independent agent can actually give you advice and opinions.

Since travel agents are in a relationship-type business, I suggest you get recommendations from people you can trust - not just for the agency, but for the individual agent. Have a chat with a few agents, and see if you "click" with any of them."

Have a question? Post questions at -- and if you're lucky, you may find that folks have already asked and answered the same question that's on your mind! 
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Future Newsletters:
Want To See Your Name in Print?

PassPorter News is published weekly, and this means we're always in need of articles! We're on the lookout for guest columnists who want to contribute articles to this newsletter. No professional writing experience is necessary, just a desire to share your experience with others! Not only is this a great way to give something back to the PassPorter community, but you get to see your name in "print" and receive a $25 gift certificate for use at
For details and our article submission guidelines, please e-mail Articles about Disney and general travel are welcomed! 
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Our Sponsors:
We Recommend...

PassPorter only accepts advertising from services of the highest quality -- we recommend these companies because we use them ourselves. Please support our sponsors and, in turn, support this newsletter! This week's sponsors are (in order of appearance): -- Disney Cruise Line Special Offers

Mouse Fan Travel -- New 2009 Rates

All Star Vacation Homes -- Choose from more than 150 homes within 4 miles of Disney

From the Authors: Ch-ch-changes

Hi, {{user("firstname")}}!

Can you believe it? Our son, Alexander, just turned four years old this week! While we're not going to show you videos from the delivery room, isn't it amazing just how quickly children grow and develop? Dave likes to remind himself that this first four years is at least the equivalent of a college education. While it doesn't always seem they're studying the world around them, after four years, the results are astounding.

PassPorter's Walt Disney World 2009 is nearly done, and as we predicted last week, the long-awaited price changes and other announcements over the past week have kept us hopping. There seem to be no routine announcements remaining, which can mean we're good to go, or they're going to shake our world with something really big. Wish us luck!

Were you thinking of joining us this December for MouseFest? Then we have some MouseFest news for you! This year's Mega Mouse Meet will be held at Disney's Yacht & Beach Club Convention Center, and we've also arranged a special lodging deal at Disney's Yacht & Beach Club Resort. Have we piqued your interest? Then pop over to the web site, and read all about it. While you're there, please sign up for the MouseFest newsletter, so you can keep on top of all the MouseFest news.

As we explained in previous newsletters, sales of PassPorter's Walt Disney World 2008 have been so good that we have none left in the warehouse (although they are still in stock -- for now -- at book stores around the country). If you can't wait for October to get a 2009 edition from us, you may purchase a 2008 electronic edition (download only) or get a 2007 edition at a close-out price. Refer to the 2008 electronic edition for the most up-to-date info, and print-out the pages you'll need when you travel. Rely on the 2007 edition for all our great planning features, PassPockets, and info that's still pretty darned accurate and useful.

PassPorter's Disney Cruise Line and its Ports of Call 2008 is in stock! All orders of our cruise guide ship the next business day.  

What else do we have? PassPorter's Open Mouse for Walt Disney World and the Disney Cruise Line is also in stock, and because they're electronic downloads, all our e-books and downloads at PassPorter's Club can never go out of stock (the Internet may go down, but that's a different story)! Get yer downloads runnin'! Club membership is just $4.95 per month, the price of just one e-book download, and $44.95 if you decide to come on board for a full year. With that first month's membership you can strip our cupboard bare of great e-books and interactive worksheets. Then you can cancel, or even better (if you happen to be us), continue the subscription to maintain all the club benefits (like a 35% discount on all PassPorter printed books) and qualify for all the new e-books and worksheets we'll be adding to the Club.

Will you be joining us for PassPorter's Decade of Dreams Tour? PassPorter is celebrating our 10th anniversary in 2009 in a year-long celebration from coast-to-coast! Everyone is invited and all are warmly welcome to join us at all or part of our celebration. We are combining small parties (meets) with grand, multi-day trips, including a 7-night Disney Cruise, a 4-night stay at Walt Disney World, and a Disneyland visit that includes park time and an Adventures by Disney expedition. See our Tour Schedule for the latest details.

PassPorter's Club Update
  • More than 1400 vacationers are now enjoying access to all our e-books, e-worksheets, and super-sized photo archive images.Thank you for your continued support!
  • Our newest e-book, PassPorter's Answer Book is now available for download. This 85-page e-book is full of the detailed, up-to-date information on the topics that really matter to you.
  • More details at

  • In this issue, Guest Columnis
    t Marley Braun takes us along for the ride as she tours  Vermont by Bicycle. Then, Featured Columnist Cheryl Pendry explains why she'll be participating in Decade of Dreams: PassPorter's 10th Anniversary Celebration. Finally, Jack Skatt is back with a brand-new Walt Disney World Treasure Hunt. Have a great week!

    Jennifer and Dave
    PassPorter Authors

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      Travel Feature:

    Vermont by Bicycle

    by Marley Braun, PassPorter Guest Contributor

    I am not what you would call athletic by any stretch of the imagination. I am a person who simply likes to ride her bike when the air has a slight chill to it and there is low humidity. Those days are few and far between in balmy North Carolina so you can imagine how often I am on my bike.

    Needless to say, when I signed myself up for a weekend bike tour in Vermont, no one thought I would actually do it. Not only did I do it, I loved every minute of it and intend to go back someday for a week-long tour.

    My main criteria for choosing a tour was that it had to take place over a weekend, it had to be affordable, and it had to have a support van just in case I needed the help. Bike Vermont met all of those requirements.

    Bike Vermont has been in business for over 31 years ( or 800-257-2226). They have biking tours in Vermont, Maine, Ireland, Italy and Scotland. They offer different biking options so that you can set your own pace. You can choose to ride with others or ride off on your own. You can bring your own bike or, for an additional fee, you are able to rent quality bikes. If you are a beginner, no need to worry. The support van is always nearby with water, snacks, tools, encouragement, or a much needed ride back to your inn. If you are an advanced cyclist, they offer alternative routes during the ride to challenge you, if you so choose. Bike Vermont is very low key and limits the size of their tour groups and their inns to make sure you have very personalized service.

    I ended up choosing their new Churchill House Inn tour outside of Brandon, VT and with their help over the phone; chose to rent a hybrid bike. I brought my own helmet, although they do offer those for free during your tour. My tour package included two nights at the Churchill House Inn, two four-course dinners, two huge breakfasts to start my day off right, 54 scenic miles and two very experienced guides.

    My friend, Andrea, and I decided to make it a girl's weekend. Andrea is a tri-athlete and her best piece of advice before leaving for Vermont was to just try and get used to sitting on my bike seat a few times a week, it didn't matter how far I rode. Just get used to the seat, build up some endurance and buy padded bike shorts. The shorts are not very attractive but they are definitely worth the investment.

    Our bike tour began on a Friday night. We were greeted by Seth and Olya Hopkins, who were marvelous cooks and very accommodating hosts. Tom Walsh and Danielle Ondrick were our guides. Both of them clearly had a love of cycling and their enthusiasm was infectious.

    We got to know the other seven cyclists on our tour over a delicious, intimate dinner. After dinner, Tom and Dani conducted an informal introductory and safety meeting. They gave us maps of our Saturday route and assured us the support van would always be nearby. This was comforting to know, considering that the most I had ever ridden continuously was 11 miles and that tomorrow I was going to be riding 36 miles through rolling Vermont! Were they serious?

    At 8:00 am, we met for breakfast and then went out and got "fitted" for our bikes. One by one, we took off down the winding hill. At first, we all stayed close together but slowly we broke off and began to take our ride at our own pace.

    Saturday's ride was mainly how I pictured Vermont. There were rolling hills, stunning green mountains, and farmland dotted with cows and horses. The great thing about going at your own pace is that you can stop and take pictures or water breaks whenever you want. The van was always nearby and I never felt unsafe or alone. I felt completely content and in no hurry whatsoever. Andrea and I even strayed off the route a few times to find four hidden covered bridges that Tom and Dani had told us about.

    As promised, the van greeted us for lunch outside the Vermont Marble exhibit. It was a lovely, shaded area with picnic tables and a blanket that they had set up for us. We dined on gourmet sandwiches and they even remembered the previous night's request for chocolate and showed up with a big bag of M&Ms (along with the healthy stuff, of course).

    After lunch, Andrea and I felt invigorated and decided to add on an optional 7.8 miles to Wilson Castle, which is Vermont's only 32 room "castle," built in 1872. We could have stopped and taken the tour but it was at the top of the hill and my legs decided it would be best to only take a picture and continue on.

    Winding my way through the small town of Brandon, I spotted a few of my fellow bikers stopping for ice cream and one hopping a ride back to the inn after enjoying the air conditioning of the local book store. Did I mention that it was 96 degrees in Vermont that day?

    Despite the heat, four hills (yes, I was counting), and a tired backside, I made it back to the inn six hours and 46 miles later. Andrea, of course, added on the optional 8.2 mile steep hill to the stunning views of Brandon Gap, but I was content to take a well-deserved rest on the shaded porch of the inn and wait for my fellow bikers.

    Later that evening, we basked in all of our glory at beautiful Lake Dunmore a few miles up the road and then returned to the inn for another delicious meal.

    Sunday's ride was much easier, only 18.1 miles. Thankfully, it was mostly flat and the route was mostly shaded. The ride was glorious. It meandered around Lake Dunmore and offered plenty of lovely photo ops. The lake was lined with hundreds of unique cottages and I took my time taking in the wonderful views.

    By lunchtime we were back at the inn and bid farewell to all of our fellow cyclists and our two extraordinary guides. Andrea and I agreed we would have to do it again. Maybe we would do a week next time or maybe we would bring our families. Or maybe we would just keep the secret to ourselves. I felt like anything was possible after the 64.1 miles this non-athlete had conquered.

    About the Author: Marley is a previous contributor to PassPorter News. Her next adventure is conquering Costa Rica.

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    Did you enjoy this article? Have questions? E-mail us at or visit to discuss your travel plans. Also check out our Article Collection for more great information! 

    Did You Know?

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    Disney Feature:
    Decade of Dreams: PassPorter's 10th Anniversary Celebration

    by Cheryl Pendry, PassPorter Featured Columnist

    When plans were first announced for PassPorter's Decade of Dreams tour in 2009, it was something that I just knew I had to be involved with.

    The Decade of Dreams tour celebrates the 10th anniversary of the first publication of the Disney guide we've all come to know and love, PassPorter, with coast to coast fun planned during the year. Highlights include a seven night Eastern Caribbean cruise on the Disney Magic, heading out on April 25, 2009 when it will be making its inaugural visit at the island of Tortola; and an Adventures by Disney expedition to explore Hollywood and the Disneyland Resort, followed by extra time in the Disneyland Resort in California in the fall. But for me, the one celebration that immediately took my interest was the four night stay at Walt Disney World, taking place straight after the Eastern Caribbean cruise, with the party beginning May 2 and continuing until May 6. This part of the tour also coincides with the actual 10th anniversary of the first PassPorter's publication on May 3, 1999.

    To explain why I was so keen to be a part of these celebrations, we need to backtrack in time to some of the wonderful Disney vacations we've taken before. I'm sure, if you're a Disney fan, that you've experienced that awful moment when someone asks you where you're going on vacation and when you tell them that you're going back to Disney, they just roll their eyes and say "What - again?" Many people don't understand the attraction - or indeed the magic - that lies within the Disney theme parks around the world, which is how I originally found myself drawn to the PassPorter message boards.

    I quickly discovered that, unlike other message boards, this place was more like being at Disney, in that it was surrounded by magic and it was just like being part of a huge, welcoming family. Therefore, when the chance came to meet other members of the boards, I jumped at it and, without exception, we've always found everyone we've met through PassPorter to be absolutely delightful, with many of them going on to become exceptionally good friends, despite the thousands of miles between us.

    Move forward to 2005 and it was time for us to experience our first MouseFest, a Disney fan gathering in which PassPorter participates, which takes place annually in early December. It was a wonderful, if exhausting, experience, mainly due to all the various meets that we ended up dashing between. By our next MouseFest in 2007, we had learned to be selective about our meets and to not pack so much into what should be a vacation! Once again, we had a great time, seeing lots of old friends and meeting people who would quickly become new friends to us.

    That's why the Decade of Dreams Tour immediately appealed, as it would bring together PassPorter message board members from all over the place, both within the States and outside it. But more than that, it's a celebration that's been dreamed up by Jennifer and Dave, who we're all familiar with as the authors of the PassPorter guidebooks to Walt Disney World, Disneyland, and the Disney Cruise Line; and of course they'll be at each stop along the way.

    As I've learned from MouseFest in the past, whenever Jennifer and Dave are around, it usually means that there'll be a lot of fun and perhaps even some special activities, and the Decade of Dreams Tour is proof of that. Some of the special activities taking place on board the Magic include a cruise-long PassPorter treasure hunt, customized port guides, and you can even take shore excursions with Jennifer and Dave. Perhaps best of all, cruisers will all be included in what I'm sure will be a huge group photo to be included in the 2010 edition of the Disney Cruise Line PassPorter.

    There's more of the same when you get to Walt Disney World, with travelers again able to take part in another huge group shot for the 2010 edition of that particular PassPorter guide, more treasure hunts and some optional parties. Obviously, there may be additional fees with some of these activities, but one thing's for sure; it's going to be a lot of fun.

    Booking is already open for both legs of this tour. To find out more, visit the Decade of Dreams Tour Headquarters at

    And what about the West Coast activities? Well, so far, no dates are yet fixed for this part of the tour, apart from fall 2009, but as soon as they are, you'll find out about it in this newsletter! Even if you don't think you can make any of these dates, there are still ways to get involved, with online celebrations being planned for February 9, 2009, the anniversary of the launch of the PassPorter message boards and April 14, 2009, the anniversary of the launch of the website. And if you live on the East Coast, maybe the one day city event in New York City in late May or MagicMeets in Pennsylvania in July may take your fancy. There's even a one day event being planned for Michigan in August 2009.

    And as for me, how am I getting involved in the tour? I'll be there for the Walt Disney World segment, staying at the Contemporary Resort for the first time -- it's one of three resorts offered to guests, with the other two being Port Orleans French Quarter and All Star Movies. I'm hoping, just like MouseFest, to renew old friendships with people I may not have seen for some time and to meet new friends from PassPorter.

    About the Author: Cheryl and husband Mark live in England and love to travel, particularly to America. They are in the process of visiting every Disney theme park around the world, having already spent a day in Disneyland Resort Paris and Hong Kong Disneyland so far this year. They are looking forward to returning to America in October to visit both Walt Disney World and Disneyland in California.

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    Did you enjoy this article? Have questions? E-mail us at or visit to discuss your Disney vacation plans. Also check out our Article Collection for more great information!

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