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PassPorter News Brought to you by PassPorter Guidebooks
  December 20, 2007 * Issue 7.51
In This Newsletter

From the Authors: Tree Trimming

Travel Feature: iPhone, I Travel: Take Your Trip to the Next Level With iPhone

Disney Feature: Dining Review: Crystal Palace

Updates: What's New and Changed

Tips: Card Carrying Disney Fan, Picture That Parking Spot, Pack Those Ponchos

Captain's Corner: Gingerbread Carousel

PassPorter PhotoPick: Yak and Yeti Dish

Q&A: How do we handle a 17 year old and an 18 year old who want to hang out together on our cruise?

Our Sponsors: We Recommend...
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What's New and Changed

Here are a few items of relevant news:

Disney Vacation Club members received some great news at the annual member meeting! DVC members staying at DVC resorts on points will get free Internet access in 2008. Members will also have access to Member Services on Saturday and Sundays, World Passport Collection will allow exchanges of less than seven days with fewer points, and members can purchase Magic Your Way passes via Member Services.

Rix Lounge, at Disney's Coronado Springs Resort, is open for business. A 300-seat lounge that will feature music, appetizers, and specialty drinks, Rix is the first lounge of it's kind to be located outside of Downtown Disney / Pleasure Island. Rix was created to give the conventioneers that Coronado Springs attracts a nightlife option within the resort.

On Tuesday, December 18, a 44 year-old man died while riding Expedition Everest at Disney's Animal Kingdom. While no cause of death has been determined, the ride was inspected on Tuesday morning prior to opening and  was said to be operating normally. The ride is now closed while officials investigate. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends affected. For more information on this story, check out this Orlando Sentinel article

Walt Disney World announced the construction of a new health and wellness center for cast members and their families. The center will open in 2009 and is for cast members and their dependents who participate in the company's health benefits. The center will feature primary care physicians as well as other health care providers, a lab, a pharmacy, a radiology center for basic x-rays, as well as a same-day day care center for the use of patients. The center will be open extended hours and weekends to accommodate cast members varied schedules. 

Our thanks to and from which we get some of our news leads.

Hear some news? Be a "PassPorter Reporter" and send it to us!

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Disney Tips:
From Fellow Readers

Our readers deliver a wealth of information! 
Here are the winners in this month's tip contest:

"I bought color index cards. I put the date, park we were going to, and park hours on the top of the card (for each day we were there). Under that I wrote my table service meal info (name of restaurant, time, and confirmation number). Under that I wrote down which restaurants I could use my counter service credits at. I then covered the card in clear shelf paper. When I went to the parks I put the card in my fanny pack and had all the info I needed about my dinning in one place. Since I had it covered in the clear shelf paper I could ride water rides (Splash Mountain, Kali River Rapids) without worry that the card would be destroyed. It worked like a charm."
-- contributed by Kyle L.

"When you park in a Disney parking lot, you may have more trouble finding your car than you think. As you head toward the trams, take a digital picture of your car and the surrounding ones. Then photograph the number of your row. Should you get lost at the end of a long day of touring, you'll be glad you did."
-- contributed by Win S.

"Don't forget to pack your own ponchos for the trip. We bought packages of ponchos at the dollar store that we were able to toss at the end of our daily Walt Disney World summer rain shower. This way we didn't have to spend lots of money at the parks for ponchos, we didn't have to carry wet ones back to the hotel, and while everyone else was hiding in the stores we were able to run from attraction to attraction. Don't let the rain slow you down! "
-- contributed by Diana B.

Send us your tips! You may see them in this newsletter and win a copy of PassPorter!

Want more Disney tips? For Walt Disney World fans, we've collected 500 of the best tips submitted by readers over the past six years. All have been edited for accuracy and categorized. For details, visit the PassPorter Disney 500 info page or the PassPorter store. For Disney Cruise Line fans, we have an e-book with 250 cruiser tips, as well as a special cruise line comparison section and seven customized packing lists. For information, visit the Disney Cruise Clues info page.

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Captain's Corner:
Treasure Hunting Game

Play our fun and quirky treasure hunting game, hosted by Captain Jack Skatt from our book, "PassPorter's Treasure Hunts at Walt Disney World." 

The Captain makes a study of the delightful details -- sometimes hidden, sometimes in plain sight but often overlooked -- at Walt Disney World and aboard the Disney Cruise Line. Using notes from his journals, he will lead you to this "treasure" at Disney with clues, questions, photos, or riddles. Your challenge is to discover the answer by searching your memory, visiting Disney, or even just looking really hard on the Internet. If you think you've found the answer, e-mail it to -- the first person to correctly submit the FULL answer will receive a free PassPorter enamel pin or PassPorter name badge pin.

Here is this week's journal entry:

"Ho ho ho! I'm in the Christmas mood this week! I took a festive tour of the Disney resort hotels to enjoy their holiday decorations and gingerbread creations. I was in awe of the lifesize gingerbread house at the Grand Floridian. And I really admired the intricate detail in the miniature gingerbread village at the Yacht Club. But my favorite by far was the lifesize gingerbread carousel that actually spins! I found this delightful carousel in the ... (rest of text obscured by smears of chocolate icing)."

In which Disney resort hotel will you find the lifesize gingerbread carousel? For bonus points, locate the photographic evidence in the PassPorter Photo Archive and post a comment with the photo!

Send your full answer to -- the winner will be notified by e-mail and announced in a future newsletter, along with the correct answer!

Congratulations to Christi Kuhn who was the winner of last week's trivia contest! Christi was the first person to identify the location of the Goofy Periodic Table of elements as Goofy's Candy Co. in Downtown Disney and the Atomic Symbol for Goofonium as Gf. MaryEl8775 was the first person to find the photo in the Photo Archive and post a comment. To view the original clue, see last week's newsletter.

If you enjoy treasure hunts, we've got an entire book with over 100 distinct treasure hunts and over 1500 questions, complete with clues and contributions from Captain Jack Skatt. Get more details on "PassPorter's Treasure Hunts at Walt Disney World" book at
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PassPorter PhotoPick

Each issue we choose a special photo from the PassPorter Photo Archive which highlights something beautiful, interesting, humorous, or timely at Disney or around the world. Here is this issue's PassPorter PhotoPick:

Yak and Yeti Dish
contributed by Dopey007

(click the photo or link to see a larger photo with details)

You can nominate photos as a PassPorter PhotoPick by giving ratings in the PassPorter Photo Archive (you'll need to be logged in to do this). If you'd like to contribute your own photos to the Photo Archive and be considered as a PhotoPick, please read our Photo Upload Guidelines for details and benefits.

chezp 536 photos
Meggera 347 photos
Dopey007 178 photos
imadisneygirl 171 photos
bradk 171 photos
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Q & A:
With Jennifer and Dave

D1sney Dad asks: "
We are planning on taking a 4 day cruise in 2009 with my daughter who will be 18.2 years old and her friend who will be 17.8 years old. We are wondering if they will both be able to partake in the teen program for 17 year olds or will the 18.2 year old be excluded? Do they check ages for the teen areas? Would the 17.8 year old be allowed in the adult pool and such areas? Would the 17.8 year old be allowed in the dance clubs?
Both will have just graduated from High School. I know that these are a lot of questions but we would like to know what they will and will not be able to do with each other."

Dave and Jennifer answer: "
Disney has the birth dates of all passengers (everyone will have to present passports by then), so there's no getting around age limits at the teen club and kids clubs (and fortunately, at the bars as well). It's all coded right into the Key to the World cards. Disney does not allow kids who are too old for the programs to participate. Considering how divisive it would be for the friend to participate in Teen Club activities while your daughter couldn't, assume that the Teen Club, teen beach, and teen excursions are out. If the 17 year-old tries to go ashore in a port of call without your permission, she'll be stopped before they can leave the ship.

When it comes to the adult pool and the dance clubs... It's really a matter of their behavior. Don't do anything that would lead the crew to ask for ID, and a nearly 18-year-old will probably get away with it. Act in a manner that annoys the adults in the area or attracts the attention of the crew, and that'll be a different story.

Rules are rules, regardless, so you and the girls have to appreciate that there's a real downside to poor behavior. If you intentionally plan to stretch the rules, you have to be ready to deal with the potential consequences. The cruise line can and will resort to "house arrest" for teens that misbehave - that'll fall squarely on your daughter's friend, while your daughter will for good or bad, have more leeway as an adult.  Effectively, if your daughter's friend is excluded from the adult areas due to their behavior, that excludes your daughter as well (unless she doesn't mind losing a friend). If your daughter's behavior attracts the attention of the authorities and therefore "outs" her younger friend, that's not going to go down very well, either.

Meantime, since it's still a ways to go before that cruise, it may not be easy for any of you to project their behavior 18 months or more from now. Will they be mature beyond their years, or in a mood to blow off post-graduation steam?

Good luck! I don't have to worry about this for another three years!"

Have a question? Post questions at -- and if you're lucky, you may find that folks have already asked and answered the same question that's on your mind!
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Future Newsletters:
Want To See Your Name in Print?

PassPorter News is published weekly, and this means we're always in need of articles! We're on the lookout for guest columnists who want to contribute articles to this newsletter. No professional writing experience is necessary, just a desire to share your experience with others! Not only is this a great way to give something back to the PassPorter community, but you get to see your name in "print" and receive a $25 gift certificate for use at

For details and our article submission guidelines, please e-mail Articles about Disney and general travel are welcomed!
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Our Sponsors:
We Recommend...

PassPorter only accepts advertising from services of the highest quality -- we recommend these companies because we use them ourselves. Please support our sponsors and, in turn, support this newsletter! This week's sponsors are (in order of appearance):

Mouse Fan Travel -- New Disney Cruise Line Offer -- Disney Cruise Line Special Offers

Quicksilver Tours & Transportation -- Save $5 off airport round-trip transportation in a town car

Thank you, sponsors!

From the Authors: Tree Trimming!

Hi, {{user("firstname")}}!

While Channukah festivities were lost to us this year amidst the never-ending whirl that was MouseFest, we are home for the remainder of the holiday season. There's a fire on the hearth as we speak, the tree is alit in the family room, ornaments still packed in their storage bins, awaiting Ally's arrival from Florida (right after the beginning of her holiday school break). Okay, we've had to let Alexander put up a couple of ornaments when he's had an irresistable need to decorate, but we can't cheat Ally of all the fun! We'll be celebrating Christmas Eve with Jennifer's family, Dave's parents arrive Christmas Day, ;Dave's Mom will celebrate her birthday with us a few days after that, and before we know it the new year will be here!

We hope that you, too, have many holiday traditions and activities you'll be able to enjoy, whether with family, friends, or on your own. And for those of you who are heading for, or are already at, your favorite Disney destination ... Enjoy Disney's magical way with the holidays!

In this season of giving, we are so grateful for what YOU -- our wonderful PassPorter readers -- have given to PassPorter. You've generously bestowed your support, tips, stories, news, experiences, and friendship. Thank you for making PassPorter part of your happiest days and most magical moments. As a thank-you gift, we've created free gift tags for you featuring our favorite Disney holiday photos. You can download your free gift tags in The Gallery.

While few of you are currently thinking about your next vacation, just a few days after the used wrapping paper has gone out in the trash (or recycling), many folks will start doing just that. When those Winter/Spring Break, Easter, or even summer vacation dreams appear before your eyes, PassPorter's Walt Disney World 2008 and our other books and e-books will be ready for you - just drop by the PassPorter Store!

We're pleased to announce our latest e-book, "PassPorter's Festivals and Celebrations at Walt Disney World," by Thomas Cackler, which is now available in the PassPorter Store as well as through the PassPorter's Club. This new e-book is a 83-page overview of all the wonderful and magical festivals, celebrations, parties, and holidays at Walt Disney World. Included are beautiful color photos and tips on maximizing your experience at the festivals and celebrations. Congratulations to Thomas Cackler and Carrie Hayward on their first project with PassPorter! To learn more about the Festivals and Celebrations e-book, get a sample page, and view the table of contents, visit

PassPorter's Club Update
  • More than 1000 vacationers are now enjoying access to all our e-books, e-worksheets, and super-sized photo archive images -- thank you for your continued support!
  • Our latest e-book, "PassPorter's Festivals and Celebrations at Walt Disney World" by Thomas Cackler, is available for Club Passholders to download free of extra charges.
  • Two new screen layouts -- Winter and Christmas (complete with falling snowflakes) -- are available for Club Passholders:
  • More details at

  • In this issue,  PassPorter Author Jennifer Marx geeks-out over her new favorite electronic device in, iPhone, I Travel, and 
    PassPorter Feature Columnist Cheryl Pendry desribes one of her "bear-y" favorite eateries, the Magic Kingdom's Crystal Palace. Finally, Jack Skatt is back with a brand-new Walt Disney World Treasure Hunt. Enjoy!

    Jennifer and Dave
    PassPorter Publishers and Authors

     Did You Know?

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      Travel Feature: 

    iPhone, I Travel: Take Your Trip to the Next Level With iPhone
    by Jennifer Marx, PassPorter Author

    Are you ready to take your travels to the next level? Try an Apple iPhone. An iPhone on a trip is like Internet on a computer. With iPhone along, you're virtually always connected to a myriad of resources that can improve your travel and enrich your experience. I became an iPhone user in early October (a birthday present - thanks, Dave!) and fell in love with it within a week. This was no mere toy or fun gadget. When I took the iPhone on our recent MouseFest trip to Walt Disney World and the Disney Cruise Line, I was amazed at how useful and essential my iPhone quickly became.

    You've probably heard of the iPhone already. If not, on the surface the iPhone is a cell phone with a sophisticated touchscreen, built-in iPod, and Internet access via wi-fi as well as the exclusive carrier (AT&T in the U.S.). (Between wi-fi and the AT&T Edge data network, there's almost always a way to connect to the Internet without fuss or added cost.) I think the iPhone name is a bit of a misnomer, because it's the iPhone's non-cellphone features that I use the most. The iPhone is really so much more than a cell phone, and so unlike other cell phones, even those with touchscreens, media players, or web browsing. If you haven't seen the iPhone, you haven't seen anything yet. (More on how to see an iPhone at the end of this article.)

    So how does the iPhone improve your travels? Allow me to relate my personal experience on my recent travels:

    Checking the Weather FAST: The iPhone has a built-in weather checker (based on weather data) that you can set for a multitude of locations. Before I left, I added Orlando as one of my locations and got the six-day forecast within seconds. While I was there, I checked the weather frequently -- the iPhone was so much faster than waiting for the Weather Channel (on TV) to display the local forecast (which meant more time in the parks!). If you're the type who wants more detailed weather data, you can either search for it via the Safari web browser on the iPhone or just bookmark this nifty Weather for iPhone web app.

    Tracking Important Events: The iPhone's Calendar function allowed me to enter the dates and times of important events that I didn't want to forget in the excitement and distraction of MouseFest. I could determine how far in advance I wanted to be reminded of each event. When the event time drew near, the iPhone alerted me by vibrating and chirping.

    Watching the Time: Speaking of alerts, the iPhone's Clock feature is really useful when travelling. I used the iPhone's Clock to set wake-up alarms for various days (different times for different days with different alarm sounds). I also used the Clock's Timer function to keep track of when my washer and dryer cycles at the guest laundry would finish and alert me that it was time to change loads. There is also a World Clock, so you can see what time it is around the world, and a Stopwatch, so you can see how it really takes to get through Haunted Mansion.

    Finding My Way: The iPhone's Map feature helps you locate addresses, which is convenient when you need to make a last-minute Walgreens run. You can also use it for driving directions and satellite views. I even used it once as a geography cheat when I couldn't remember which state Boston was in (to my own defense, I was very tired at the time). The iPhone would have saved me earlier this year when I got lost driving around Orlando to a Toys 'R Us store!

    Checking Park Times and Menus: While most of us pre-plan our trips to the best of our abilities, sometimes unforeseen events require us to make a u-turn... and the iPhone is so helpful in these instances. For example, we changed our plans one evening and scrapped the "adult's night out" to spend more time with Alexander. But we hadn't planned for it and didn't know what parks might be open. I pulled out my trusty iPhone, tapped the Safari icon, tapped my bookmark, and within moments had pulled up the park hours (and happily discovered that there were Extra Magic Hours at Magic Kingdom). I used the iPhone later in the trip to check out the menu (thanks to AllEars.Net) at Yak & Yeti. I did this countless times during the trip, quickly and simply. I'll even admit to a little recreational reading on the web during some downtime.

    Sleeping With Ambient Sounds: Despite how often I travel, I sometimes find it hard to sleep in a hotel room. I used to bring along a travel clock with nature sounds to lull me to sleep, but no more thanks to my iPhone! I now use the iPhone's iPod feature to store and play various relaxing music and ambient soundtracks. I just set the iPhone on the nightstand next to me, plug it in to charge it, tap the iPod icon, tap the "Relaxing Ambient" playlist I've created, and tap Shuffle for a random selection. It plays the music through its built-in speaker and turns off when all songs have been played. I've also got some audiobooks in my iPhone for more mental stimulation, as well as some Backyardigans and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse TV show episodes for Alexander (I can't tell you how useful that has been at times!). Those of you who use an iPod more extensively than me would probably get even more use out of this feature.

    Taking Pictures With the Camera: The viewscreen on my regular camera broke a few days into the trip, so if I hadn't had the easy-to-use camera on the iPhone, I would have been a very unhappy traveller. The iPhone's 2-megapixel camera is simple -- there's no flash or zoom -- but it's designed quite well regardless. I was amazed at the photos I could take with the iPhone's little camera. While I would never recommend that it replace a regular digital camera, it worked quite well in a pinch. I actually took more than 1500 photos with it while on my trip -- I noticed no slowdown or lag, found the photos really easy to browse through, and there was still plenty of room left on the 8 GB hard drive. Here's one of my favorite photos taken on my iPhone:

    Mt. Everest at Disney's Animal Kingdom

    Staying in Touch With Folks Back Home: The iPhone's shutterbug aspect leads me into the biggest reason I love my iPhone -- the iPhone puts the Internet in my pocket. While I was on the plane ride down to Orlando, I got the bright idea to share the photos I took on my iPhone camera with the folks who had to stay behind by setting up a real-time photo blog. That evening I set it up (it requires a blog and the service -- both free) and began using it immediately. Suddenly I was sharing my experiences with thousands of people as they happened (I called it a "Window Seat") and I felt SO connected. My family, friends, and readers back home could see the fun things I saw, all with the touch of a button on my iPhone. I also set up the Mail app on the iPhone to forward important e-mails so I could stay on top of emergencies or important news. The Text Message app let me stay in touch with Ally, who was in school and could not join us on the trip. And the Safari app let me check in on the PassPorter web site and message board community, and respond to important issues even when I wasn't within reach of my laptop.

    So what's wrong with an iPhone?Nothing's perfect, though the iPhone's list of shortcomings is short. It's not inexpensive ($399) and you need to sign a two-year contract with their exclusive carrier AT&T (in the U.S.) or other carriers internationally. My monthly bill with fees and taxes (I have the lowest rate plan) is $67.50, but that includes unlimited data service, so I don't have to worry when using Safari, e-mail, Maps, etc. Technically speaking, I wish the Camera app took photos larger than 2 megapixels, though I suspect that will be introduced in a future version. Some folks claim the data speeds on AT&T's data network (EDGE) are too slow, but I'm quite happy with them (and I'm not normally a patient person). The iPhone's design is slick in more ways than one -- that makes it a bit slippery at times and there's a tendency to drop it -- but if you put a protective case on it as I have, it can be dropped ocassionally without breaking it (I dropped it several times on this past trip without any damage).

    Should you get an iPhone? I could go on and on about the iPhone's advantages while travelling, but let me sum it up with the expression I keep uttering, "I LOVE MY IPHONE." I urge you to consider getting an iPhone -- if not now, then when your current cell phone contract expires. The iPhone's price is quickly made up for by its conveniences -- I calculate that I've saved more than $1000 so far in gained time thanks to my iPhone. You won't be disappointed.

    Want to learn more? I've started a blog -- iPhone, I Travel -- with tips on using the iPhone while travelling. Come check it out before you consider getting an iPhone, then come back when you've got one. If you already have one, come on by and please let me know you have an iPhone already -- I'd love to meet fellow iPhone lovers! If you want to check out an iPhone in person, drop by your local Apple Store (that's how I got hooked) or tag me next time we're at Disney together! You can also get more information and order an iPhone online -- activation is conveniently done at home on your computer!

    About the Author: Jennifer Marx is a bestselling author, webmaster, step-mom to a teenager, and mother to a pre-schooler. She lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan with husband/partner Dave Marx and son Alexander.

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    Did you enjoy this article? Have questions? E-mail us at or visit to discuss your travel plans. Also check out our Article Collection for more great information! 

     Did You Know?

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    Disney Feature:

    Dining Review: Crystal Palace
    by Cheryl Pendry, PassPorter Featured Columnist

    There are places in Walt Disney World filled with magic and for all of us. There are some real favorites, where you know you can head every time to immerse yourself in the spirit of Disney. For me, one of those places is at the end of the Magic Kingdom's Main Street U.S.A., just as you head over to Adventureland: Crystal Palace.

    The Crystal Palace is an iconic building, bridging the gap between two lands in the Magic Kingdom. Its architecture is fascinating and if you think you've seen something similar before, you could well be right. It draws from a number of other existing buildings around the world, including our very own Kew Gardens in London, along with the Crystal Palace in New York and the Conservatory of Flowers in San Francisco.

    It's something that's definitely worth taking the time to look at, particularly from the main path over to Adventureland from the Hub in front of the castle, as usually the Disney gardeners have some beautiful and exceptionally colorful flowerbeds laid out in front of it, which make for some wonderful photos.

    But don't spend too long admiring the building from the outside. The real treat is inside! But be warned; Advanced Dining Reservations (ADR's) are definitely needed here. It's only on very quiet days that they're likely to be able to fit you in if you decide on the spur of the moment that you want to eat here.

    And the reason why is the popularity of a certain bear and his friends. The Crystal Palace is the best place at Walt Disney World to find Winnie the Pooh, along with Tigger, Piglet and my personal favorite, the ever so wonderfully gloomy donkey Eeyore. They reside here all day long for breakfast, lunch and dinner, just disappearing off towards the end of lunch, as they've got to get ready to appear in the afternoon parade. Fair enough.

    So why do we love this place so much? Contrary to popular belief, it's not just because my favorite character resides here, although I'll be honest, that does help! The magic for us is more the fact that every time we come to eat here, be it for breakfast, lunch, or dinner and whether it's just the two of us, or with a couple of friends or a big group of people, we always seem to have a good meal and, perhaps just as importantly, a wonderful time with the characters.

    There have been some truly special memories here over the years - from Eeyore presenting me with my birthday cake and wishing me a happy birthday to Pooh Bear desperately trying to get past our table and getting stuck behind one of our group's chairs and then having to be pulled free, to the incident with Piglet, where my wayward husband, who's never been much of a fan of the poor pig, was eating bacon as Piglet arrived. Mark set to work on Piglet's arm with knife and fork, which required a full blown apology down on his knees before he was forgiven. Even writing that just brings the memories back and brings a smile to my face. Somehow the characters here always seem to go above and beyond the call of duty to really have fun with you and to make it a truly special meal.

    And then there's the other important ingredient to any meal -- the food. It's an eat as much as you like buffet throughout the day, with the food obviously changing between meals and the prices doing likewise, increasing as the day goes on. Breakfast is pretty much as you'd expect it to be, with lots of traditional items, but also a great selection of fruits and cheeses, alongside the hot items. We're not huge breakfast fans, preferring instead to snack and then have big lunches and dinner and, for us, that's where the Crystal Palace really comes alive.

    Lunch and dinner have similar menus, albeit with some items only appearing at one meal or the other. For example you'll only find the peel and eat shrimp and soups on the dinner menu. Having said that, both meals bring some wonderful salads and dressings, along with a selection of cold meats and cheeses, a wide range of vegetables, some good pasta, rice and noodle dishes, with a stunning range of main courses. You wouldn't necessarily expect to find items such as green Thai curry chicken or fruit and vegetable tofu curry at a character meal, but we have found them here, and there are more straightforward dishes for less adventurous eaters, such as chicken, steak, pork and salmon. The fish here has always been superb and I'm told by those who eat meat that there are no complaints on that front either.

    Then there are the desserts and it's definitely worth saving some room to sample these. The kids will love the sundae bar (in fact they'll probably enjoy all the offerings on the children's buffet) and as an ice cream-loving adult, that's another area I can recommend, but don't miss the other desserts. Choices are likely to include delicacies such as mango flan, banana bread pudding, apple cobbler or perhaps some of my favorites, like the double chocolate brownies and pineapple upside down cake.

    Suddenly, having remembered all the fun interaction with the characters and the wonderful food, I find myself wondering how long it is to our next visit there. Then I remember, by the time you read this, I'll be at Walt Disney World and may very well be enjoying the offerings at Crystal Palace as you read!

    Breakfast, costing $18.99/adults and $10.99/children aged 3-9, is open from 8:00 am until 10:30 am, followed immediately by lunch ($20.99/adults and $11.99/children) between 11:30 am and 3:00 pm, and finishing with dinner ($27.99/adults and $12.99/children) from 4:00 pm to park closing (rates during Holiday Season 2007 are temporarily higher).

    About the Author: Cheryl and husband Mark live in England and love to travel, particularly to America. They were on the first 11 night sailing of the Disney Magic around the Mediterranean and are currently in Walt Disney World enjoying the holiday season.

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    Did you enjoy this article? Have questions? E-mail us at or visit to discuss your Disney vacation plans. Also check out our Article Collection for more great information!


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