Thanks for thinking about contributing an article to PassPorter!

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Why Write for PassPorter?
My affection for PassPorter began when I picked up my first PassPorter guide at Costco. I poured over the pages and studied the details like there was a test at the end. I couldn't get enough so I joined the online forums and began listening to the podcast religiously. Always being a writer at heart, I finally took the plunge and sent in my first article. It's a delight to contribute to the Passporter community through my articles. You may wonder if you have anything new to add, but each Disney destination vacation is unique. When you share a new angle or discovery, you benefit the whole PassPorter community. Let your voice be heard!
— Amy Wear, PassPorter Featured Columnist

Here are our PassPorter Newsletter Article Guidelines:

1. We seek full-length articles that are related to Disney (topics pertaining to all Disney parks and resorts world-wide or general Disney topics). In addition, we will consider adding columns for special features, topics, and concepts. Article usage is at the sole discretion of the editors.

2. Full-length articles are at least 750 words (but longer is better).

3. Before you begin writing an article, please submit a topic idea to the editor at Once your topic idea has been approved, go for it!

4. Articles remain the property of the author(s), but the author(s) give PassPorter Travel Press free permission to use the edited article in its newsletter, on the Web, and in a compilation (electronic and/or printed). In exchange for each article we use, we reward the author with one PassPorter Store gift certificate worth $25.

5. Articles will be properly attributed to the author by first and last name or by an assumed name if you prefer. We will also forward any e- mailed reader feedback to you.

6. Articles should be submitted via e-mail as an attached Word document or Google Docs link. Always save your work on your own computer before submitting it.

Helpful Tips

  • All articles will be edited for style, grammar, spelling, and length, but we appreciate your help in polishing your article as well. Please spell check articles prior to submission. Use just one space between sentences, single-line spacing between lines, and double- line spacing between paragraphs. Do not indent paragraphs, and no "hard returns" except at the end of paragraphs. Be sure to capitalize proper nouns. Do not abbreviate names, i.e. "Walt Disney World" rather than "WDW." Place names and names of theme parks, attractions, hotels and restaurants should never be abbreviated.
  • For the most engaging article, write your articles in active voice rather than passive. Break long sections into paragraphs, and long sentences into shorter sentences. Personal experiences should be accompanied by useful tips that can be applied by others. Be wary of writing about anything for which you do not have personal experience, and verify all facts (prices, hours, etc.). Always respect copyrights, and give credit to significant research resources. Include web site addresses when relevant.
  • Authors may suggest titles for their articles, but title choice will be at the final discretion of the editors.
  • Please consider organizing your article's content by BENEFITS rather than topics. For example, rather than just describing a resort hotel, point out the top 10 things that you loved about it (feel free to number them!) and how you think this would benefit others. This is important because it helps the reader see value in the information right away.
  • Please include a short biography to be included at the bottom of the article. (Example: "Sara is the Editor of PassPorter News as well as the Co-Host of PassPorter's Disney Every Week Podcast. She is looking forward to her next Disney vacation in June."
  • Please try to accompany each article by two photos. At least one of the photographs must be in landscape mode (wider than taller), though we'd prefer that both be in landscape mode if possible. These photos should be uploaded to PassPorter's Photo Archive at Include appropriate and descriptive titles and descriptions when you upload your photos. Please include links to the photographs when you submit your article. Please use the title of the article in the keywords section so that we can find the photos easily. If you do not have photos to accompany your article, please let the editor know -- we may be able to find photos in our own archive to use.

Benefits to Writing a PassPorter Article

  • GET FREE BOOKS: You get a $25 PassPorter gift certificate, which is enough to buy a full book or several e-books!
  • GAIN RENOWN: You get your name printed in a newsletter that goes out to over 50,000 people (and is well-read). Your article is archived on our web site and promoted on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and the PassPorter Podcast, too. And you can tell everyone that you're a published travel writer!
  • CONTRIBUTE: Share your passion with our wonderful community -- your information enriches us all.

Please let us know if you have any questions at all about these article guidelines. We look forward to your topic ideas and article submissions!

PassPorter ~ 1998-2016 ~ 18 Years of Making Dreams Come True!
Publishers of bestselling travel guidebooks and proud recipients of 13 national book awards
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Please feel free to link to this page so that other vacationers can find it.

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