Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about PassPorterWe get asked plenty of questions about PassPorter, so we thought it would help to compile some of the answers here. We'll be adding to this as we go, too! If you have a question we haven't answered here, we encourage you to e-mail us at List of Questions Answered Here:
Copyright 1999-2006 |
What is PassPorter in a nutshell? A: Actually, PassPorter
doesn't come in a nutshell. (Just teasing!) In brief,
PassPorter combines the expert advice of a good travel
guide with the organizational aspects of a planner and
trip journal--all bound together with a spiral binding. See
What in
the World is a PassPorter? for more information. A: We enjoy the
thrill of venturing into the unknown just as much as the
next person. Even so, when vacation time is so precious
and vacation costs are so high, why risk wasting hours or
even entire days of your vacation because you were
unprepared? The stress of constant on-the-fly decision
making, the disappointment of lost opportunities and the
waste of limited vacation dollars hardly adds up to a
pleasant, rejuvenating vacation. A little up-front
investment in planning and organization helps ensure a
wonderful journey and a lifetime of happy memories. Q: Why should I pay a bit more for PassPorter than I would for the typical guide? A: While PassPorter (list price: $21.95/discounted price through us is $18.66) is only a couple of bucks extra than other Disney travel guides, those extra dollars get you a lot more!
Q: Will PassPorter be updated regularly? A: Yes! PassPorter is updated in two ways: First, we keep our web site up-to-date with the information you need to plan your vacation. Besides the articles and reports you find on our web site, we also offer a special page of Book Updates (download this page and your PassPorter will always be up-to-date). With our web site and message boards, your PassPorter need never go out of date, unlike almost every other travel guide. Second, besides
the updates we place on our Web site, we will print new editions of PassPorter on an annual basis. If
you would like to be kept informed of updates, revisions,
and new editions, please subscribe to our
free weekly newsletter. Q: Are other PassPorters in the works? A: Yes! Because of the overwhelmingly positive response to the PassPorter concept, we are planning to publisher more PassPorters for other major travel destinations, such as New York City, Los Angeles, Washington D.C., London, Paris and Rome. The PassPorter approach to travel planning works best with destinations like Walt Disney World and these major cities--places that offer more lodging, sightseeing and dining choices than anyone could experience in a single visit, or even many visits. Q: How can I protect my PassPorter and keep it safe? A: We carry our
PassPorters around in backpacks, which keeps our
PassPorters handy and protects them from loss and bad
weather. Some folks like to use waist packs -- the waist pack needs a main compartment of at
least 7" x 9.5" to hold your PassPorter
comfortably. We also use day packs with good results, and
some travel-oriented shoulder bags will work well. It just
so happens that we sell some of these things, too. If
you'd like to see what we offer, take a peek at our store! And if you need
down-and-dirty protection, a resealable plastic bag
(gallon size) does the trick. Q: How big/small is PassPorter? A: We sized PassPorter Walt Disney World very carefullyit is exactly tall enough to fit airline tickets, Disney-issued guidemaps, and brochures in the PassPockets. PassPorter's dimensions are 9" x 6 1/2" and about 1.25" thick. To be more precise, PassPorter is 9.08" long x 6.59" wide x 1.23" deep and 1.09 lbs. To compare it with other Walt Disney World books, it is smaller than Birnbaum's Walt Disney World (the official guide) and bigger than the Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World. Q: My vacation is over eleven days. Can I purchase more PassPockets? A: Yes, if you use the deluxe
version of PassPorter! To learn more about PassPorter Deluxe, visit the PassPorter
Deluxe Information page. Q: Do you offer any discounts or coupons? A: Actually, yes!
We usually have at least one discount going on at any one
time. We also occasionally offer special electronic coupons to
Disney-related groups such as mailing lists, newsgroups,
message boards, and Web sites -- check with your favorite
one to see if such a program is in effect. Or, suggest that we create one for your group!
In addition to these discounts,, we circulate bonafide
paper coupons (remember those?) to our friends, family,
colleagues, reviewers, PassPorter partners, readers...
ok, pretty much everyone who helps us spread the word
about our book! We also offer electronic coupons to
everyone who registers a copy of PassPorter. Ask around! Q: Why do you call it a PassPorter? A: Frankly, we just thought it would be fun to have a book that we could abbreviate to "P.P." All kidding aside, there are two main reasons we chose PassPorter:
A: We did! Who are
we? Jennifer Marx and Dave Marx -- Walt Disney World
vacation veterans and all-around normal people like
yourselves. You can read more about us on the Authors page. Q: How do I order a copy of PassPorter? A: We've tried to
make it as easy as possible for you to get your own copy.
Visit our store
for all the details,
or simply call 1-877-WAYFARER (929-3273) from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm ET, Monday-Friday, if you're in a hurry. Q: Do you offer review copies to the press? A: Definitely! If
you are a member of the press or an Internet leader
(Webmaster, mailing list manager, discussion moderator,
etc.), we'd be delighted to send you a review copy and a
copy of our media kit. Please visit the Internet
Leaders' Checkpoint for more information on
requesting your copy. A: You'll have to ask us before we can answer! Just e-mail us at and we'd be happy to answer your question, either about our book or Walt Disney World in general. You may also wish to visit our active message board in the event your question has already been answered.