Traveling Tip IdeasAre you drawing a blank on a traveling tip? Aren't sure if your tip is what we're looking for? We believe everyone has a good traveling tip inside them -- probably more than one! To help you find and submit your best traveling tip, use our checklist on the right. When you're ready, return to the contest and submit your entry! Updated 11/21/03
Copyright 1999-2006 |
Tip Checklist Other
While we'd be flattered if your tip was to simply purchase and use the PassPorter Walt Disney World travel guide, the contest's intent isn't to make us feel good but to give you a chance to contribute something and perhaps win a prize. So we recommend you suggest something else. If your best traveling tip is one we've already mentioned on our Web site or in our book, that's ok. We don't have a monopoly on those traveling tips and we recognize that you may have been using it long before you ever heard of PassPorter. Keep in mind that its availability may reduce its chances of being unique, however.